Comments... I Love 'em (and Hate 'em)
I had promised you today that I would elaborate on some of the comments in yesterday's Marketwatch article on paying back social security. There are now over 100 of them, and I just added my two cents worth. But it would be pointless for me to elaborate on the specific comments themselves, as I would just be rehashing points I've already made. Points about mortality , the " social security is going broke" argument , etc. But reading through them made me realize again what a double edged sword they are. On one hand, comments are the life blood of blogging. They show people are listening. Through them, you can discuss issues and interests with many more people than you could possibly meet, and learn from one another. This is one of the great benefits of the openness of the internet. On the other hand, that same openness allows all forms of idiocy to be published on the same plane as the most insightful comments, as some hide behind the anonymity of the internet t...