New Recommended Website -

My post from February 17th, "Encore! Choosing Your Second Career," generated a comment from none other than the Managing Editor of the Encore website, Terry Nagel, who says the following:

"There's plenty of help available for people considering "encore careers" on, an online community created by Civic Ventures, the nonprofit Marc Freedman started for boomers who want to find meaningful work in the second half of life.

Join the Encore community (it's free) and you'll keep abreast of new opportunities offered by public and private organizations helping to reframe retirement as an opportunity to work in paid jobs that contribute to the community.

Oh, and you might want to buy the book, too!"
Now I've already given the book my highest recommendation, so I took Terry's advice and visited And though it's clear this site is fairly new, it is excellent, and it is clear that they are developing an online community devoted to helping you find "work that matters in the second half of life."

So I joined - it's free as Terry says - and have added it to the websites I regularly visit. I recommend that you do the same. Each member gets their own blog so I probably will cut and paste some of mine over their, or maybe just blog the link back to here. There is also a neat geographic member finder that would help you to network in your area. As I say, it's still fairly new, but there were five or so members in Massachusetts, and I believe I'm the first in the greater Providence area.

I have added as a recommended website link in the right hand column... so what are you waiting for? Go check 'em out! :-) Bob


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