Prescription Follies
The other morning, I had a flashback to the days when I used to watch my stepfather line up nine pills in front of him at the breakfast table and proceed to take each one as he drank his orange juice. I remember marveling to myself at how his system was handling that potent cocktail of drugs. But I never gave a thought to how much he must be paying for them, or how he kept it all straight. Last week, I had the worst bout of allergies I’ve ever had, coupled with some gum surgery and what turned out to be the onset of a head cold, all of which led me to my new personal record of five pills at one sitting. And this got me thinking about the economics of the drug industry. It’s no secret that we baby boomers are heading into our peak drug purchasing years, and I’m sure the big drug companies are very happy with this demographic trend. In the past, I haven’t thought too much about medical and prescription expenses, or about the insurance that pays for them, although I vividly remember ...