New Link - The Survive and Thrive Boomer Guide

New Link - The Survive and Thrive Boomer Guide
Whenever things get a little slow, I poke around the internet and the "blogosphere" to see if there's anything worthwhile to report. Tonight, I have a new blog link for you called "The Survive and Thrive Boomer Guide." It is written by Rita Robison, a consumer affairs columnist from the West Coast, and although it just started in January (that's even younger than "The Platinum Years Network"), it already has some excellent articles.

And the articles are already neatly categorized for you, something that I've been threatening to do as my list of articles grows and grows. Anyway, check it out. There are lots of consumer tips, and there's something for pretty much any interest. So far, it's very much living up to its mission, "Sharing information to help you get what you want in life." Sounds very much like mine, "Helping You get the Best out of the Rest of Your Life," but I assure you, we didn't collaborate :-) Bob


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