And the Word to Replace "Retirement" is .... Life 2.0 ?

You had your chance. Ever since I first posted, I've been trumpeting the idea that boomers would replace the word retirement. We've even had some suggestions, like "downshifting," which I kind of liked, and I've even taken to using "the life stage formerly known as retirement," sort of like "the artist formerly known as Prince."

I was never really satisfied with any of the suggestions, but I might have tried a little harder if I had known that SmartMoney Magazine was running a "Retire Retirement" contest, with a first prize of a $100,000 annuity. Who knew?

So instead of my few little suggestions, here is the winner selected from among thousands of entries... And the winner is ....
"Life 2.0" - From the SmartMoney website, the explanation is as follows:

"The submission was provided by D. Shawn Mulder Kitrell, a 43-year old cabinet designer from Vero Beach, FL. Kitrell previously worked in Information Technology, and it was his four years in that field that inspired him to come up with the new phrase. Like a new and improved version of the latest software, Life 2.0 reflects a new and better chapter for today's young retirees, Kitrell explains. It reflects a beginning, rather than an end."

It'll take me a while to figure out if I like it or not. First I have to get used to the idea of that $100,000 slipping through my fingers :-)

But at least I have another good financial website to link and recommend, to add to the four I gave you the other day, because the Smart Money site has lots of good stuff on it. This link will take you right to the retirement section but you might want to go to the main page instead for more general financial news.

I also have added another blog to our recommended links. It is really a network of blogs called "The Money Blog Network." There are eight members, each with their own blog, and their articles are highlighted on their combined site. I haven't had a chance to visit them all individually, but I particularly liked the first one, "Get Rich Slowly."

When I set out to find quality links for you, my search was really open ended, so I think it is interesting that the first three I have found are all different kinds of networks of bloggers. To me this confirms my original vision of the "Platinum Years Network" as a true network of contributing members.

To fulfill that dream, I need contributors. Remember, your feedback or original work is always welcome at Hmmmm, maybe if I offered you a $100,000 prize for the best submission, like Smart Money did.... Naaaaaahhhh. :-) Bob


Anonymous said…
The reason you keep seeing these "networks" is because these guys are all out to profit from niche content in the blogosphere. The "network" is all about promoting each other, increasing link counts, and inflating ranking numbers. This then leads to higher advertising rates and more affiliate sales.

It really does not have anything to do with quality of content. If you want to learn how to make money off the internet - then by all means follow the "network" closely and see what strategies they put in practice. But if you really just want to learn how to manage your own finances better (and not get sold crappy credit card deals or Zecco investment accounts) then look beyond the "network" to the greater personal finance blogging sphere.

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