The "Carnival of Personal Finance" is Up!
...and I'm in it!

A few days ago, I promised I'd tell you about carnivals. It's even more fun now, because I'm in one!

I've been gradually exposing myself to the MANY, MANY personal finance blogs out here in the "blogosphere." I'm developing a list of recommended links for you, but it isn't easy. There is just so much variety.

There are many, many blogs that are basically written by folks who are trying to get a handle on their own personal finances. Some like to talk about frugality, others favor investment topics (what works and what doesn't), and many open up their financial lives for all to see, chronicling their ups and downs in either building up their net worth or working down their debt. My hat is off to all of them for their sincerity and tenacity in pursuing their goals. I've met so many people who wouldn't spend ten minutes to try to improve their financial knowledge. It's good to know these folks are out there.

As you might expect, there is some camaraderie that builds up in any group of bloggers where there is a common interest. I have already introduced myself around a little and begun to comment on the blogs of others. I can see how some of these acquaintances can become friends.

Which brings us to carnivals. In many cases, these topical blogs decide to have a regular forum of articles, and this as called a "carnival." In the case of the personal finance blogs, it is done weekly with a rotating host. each blogger who wants to contribute submits their favorite blog article to that week's host, who picks their favorites and posts them on the carnival's website, and perhaps on their own blog as well.

So I figured I would submit one, and lo and behold, my article, "The Benefits of Delaying Retirement," made it... as did about 90 others! Which means it may take me all week to go through them and pick out a few favorites to recommend. But there's nothing to keep you from doing the same. You can even check out the previous week's carnivals.

Just head over to, which I have now made a permanent link over to the right there.

Hmmmmm... now what can I write about to submit for next week. :-) Bob


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