New Carnival of Personal Finance

I'm a little late in telling you, but the Carnival of Personal Finance is up at

There are lots of articles this week. This week's host, "The Dividend Guy," is calling this "The Passion Edition" as most of the articles reflected the passion each writer has for his or her topic. My article was the one from January 25th, "What if we SAVED our Economic Stimulus Package Checks?"

So head on over and select from the eighty (!!!) or so articles.

Now, having said that, I should tell you that I think my excitement and interest in all of the personal finance blogs I've been finding has drawn me away from my core mission. Because although there definitely is a money component in "Helping You Get the Best out of The Rest of Your Life," I feel I've been ignoring the nonmonetary stuff lately.

So just to bring things into balance, we'll be doing some more "life planning" and less financial planning for a while. I've been checking around for good resources in this area and they are tougher to come by. So far, the boomer oriented sites I've found are either commercialized, full of "fluff writing," or obsessed with reminiscing about the 60s.

But fear not, Mr. Platinum will find us all some good resources. :-) Bob


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